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Disponible online

2 x 20-Min Virtual Sessions

20 min
110 dólares estadounidenses
Phone or Zoom

Descripción del servicio

It's Cyber Monday 2023 Snag this exclusive Package Deal for just $110 today only Receive two 20-Minute Virtual Readings, each originally priced at $99 each – that's a 45% savings Book one now, save the other for later or gift it to someone else <3

Política de cancelación

You may cancel up to 12 hours in advance. Refunds are offered within the first 3 days after payment is made, after that it is non-refundable. You may reschedule or gift your session to others. If you do not show up for your scheduled time, you will not be refunded for the time appointed and will be responsible to reschedule the appointment.

Datos de contacto


Everett, WA 98204, USA

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